I generally find that Wal-mart employees* fit into one of three categories. First, there's Polite-Smile, who is friendly in a detached sort of way and who smiles big while serving you, only to let their face slide back into a blank stare the moment you turn away. Then there's Blatantly-Irritated, the employee that doesn't even hide the fact that they hate you and would rather shove bamboo shoots up their fingernails than help you find a new microwave. Finally, there Just-Plain-Crazy, the type that looks at you with large, bloodshot eyes before hightailing it in the opposite direction. If I worked at Wal-mart, I would probably be the last one.
As I was sitting in Wallie World for four hours today, waiting for my tires to be changed, I had the chance to meet an odd fellow that didn't really fit into any of my previously noted categories. I will call him Bob (I don't really think Bob would read my blog, but you never really know. Heck, for all I know, we could be facebook friends... )
I was sitting on a bench in the tire section, staring into the distance, thinking profound thoughts (probably about which Harry Potter movie is the best) when I was suddenly pulled from my reverie by a high-pitched peal of nervous giggling. I had never heard such a noise before and quickly scanned the aisles for the source. That's when I noticed Bob. With a profound resemblance to a hobbit, Bob boasts about five feet of height, a rotund belly and hairy arms. Everything about him screams "uncontained!" from his wild, unkempt hair, his hyper gait and a speaking voice most akin to a nervous scream.
Bob loved to chat. He chatted with me about the book I was reading. He chatted with the rather stern-looking gentleman about why Ritz crackers are better than Saltines in Oyster stew. And he chatted with the teenage gal with the "I <3 Italia" sweatshirt about why she should love Sicilians instead. (A particularly long conversation that made everyone, including her humongous boyfriend, feel a little uncomfortable.)
I'll admit it- Bob made me nervous with his unconventional social skills. But he also made for a delightful conversation counterpart, was a dedicated and friendly employee, and he livened up my waiting time immensely. So, cheers to Bob.
*This post is in no way meant as a critique of Wal-mart employees. I think that anybody working at such a stressful job would exhibit similar traits. Thank you for all your hard work and your low, low prices.
TeHe... I love walmart.